willa source

The Women Involved in Legislative Leadership's Source for Information Online

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Here's our press release for Antigone's Launch. We've been putting all of our resources into this and we're very excited to be having it tommorow. Thanks to everyone for thier support. We'll have an edition of the magazine online soon (we hope. any techinical skills support would be much appreciated).

Feminist Group at UBC to Launch Magazine

Antigone Magazine will be launched Thursday November 2, 2006 in Meekinson Lounge, UBC. This open house style reception will feature female artists, musicians, poets and politicians and will help us launch the first issue of our exciting new magazine.

Antigone is supported by Woman in Legislative Leadership Associations, WILLA, a group working to promote the participation of young women in politics. This Alma Matter Society club was founded in 2005 and hope to take Antigone national by 2007.
Antigone Magazine seeks to encourage on campus debate around women’s issues and women’s involvement in politics and positions of power. WILLA is the proud recipients of a grant from the Innovative Projects Fund and is anticipating the nation wide distribution of Antigone by 2007. Our project objectives are to:
Encourage on campus debate around women’s issues and women’s involvement in politics and positions of power.

Encourage greater civic and personal engagement by women and men in issues surrounding women in the campus community and in society as a whole.

Provide strategies for women to fight against forces which seek to keep them out of the powerful and political realms.

Provide strategies for men to encourage full female participation in society.

Celebrate young UBC women who work to change the fabric of society or to involvement themselves in politics or their community.

Celebrate UBC men who encourage full female participation in society.

Engage, question and rethink entrenched cultural attitudes towards women.

Create a forum in which women and men can engage in discussion around women’s issues.

WILLA is very excited about this innovative and important new project. We look forward to celebrating the evening fantastic female art and entertainment as well as members of the political community.