willa source

The Women Involved in Legislative Leadership's Source for Information Online

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Subject: Tell Mayor Sullivan Your Priorities -- Come to the Citizen Budget Forum

Dear friend,

What kind of city do you want Vancouver to be? Will we see deep cuts to the
Parks Board, more shifting of the commercial tax base to residential taxpayers, or stepped-up investment in affordable housing to address our deepening homeless crisis?

Each year, the City of Vancouver holds a public consultation process for the upcoming civic budget. Think City wants to bring more people into this process so more Vancouverites can get informed and more citizens can be heard.

Think City and the University of British Columbia 's Political Science Department invite you to learn about, discuss and deliberate the 2008 City of Vancouver budget on the evening of March 19, 2008. HSBC Hall, UBC Robson Square , 7:00-9:30 pm, 800 Robson Street, Vancouver.

Space is limited so sign up today for this exciting evening of conversation:

Make sure your voice is heard, when city council decides the priorities for this year's budget!

Think City's survey and more information can be found at
or contact us at


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